Transforming Business Through Happy Experiences

by | Dec 12, 2019 | Podcasts | 0 comments

People are used to interacting with a brand in transactional ways, but when a business can turn a transaction into a transformation, that’s when the magic happens! Andy Proctor, host of More Happy Life, and I discuss how to make great customer experiences happen by starting at the top and moving down.

If business executives are seeking to increase their own wellbeing, they will naturally desire to make the wellbeing of their employees a priority. And when the employee wellbeing and happiness becomes a priority, it can impact the bottom line in a tangible way. In other words, customer satisfaction begins with employee satisfaction and employee satisfaction begins with executive wellbeing.

listen to podcast below:


You will hear us discuss how a business can create a “wow moment” by simply connecting with their customers. Andy shared an example of going to Smashburger on his wedding day and what the business did to surprise and delight him, and I spoke about a wow moment related to the owner of The Lodge at Woodloch who made a genuine connection with my family and I. It seems simple, but it’s powerful and it keeps customers talking about brands.


My advice for people who want to have a more happy life:

  • “Be intentional and purposeful about how you experience your day”
  • Leverage time management and appreication apps. I recommend The Five Minute Journal. It prompts you to record intentions for the day, what you’re grateful for, what you will do to make your day go well, and how you could have improved the day. It’s the simple things! If you don’t already have a journaling routine to boost positive emotion, I recommend this app.
  • Also, I can’t stress enough the importance of surrounding yourself with people who support your goals and who don’t deflate your confidence. This is critical!




*All views expressed are Stacys and do not reflect the opinions of or imply the endorsement of employers or other organizations.

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*All views expressed are Stacys and do not reflect the opinions of or imply the endorsement of employers or other organizations.


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