The Silver Lining in Regret: How to Turn a Negative Experience into a Positive Outcome

by | Jan 21, 2023 | DoingCXRight®‬ Podcast | 0 comments

Doing CX Right podcast show on Spotify with host Stacy Sherman
Doing Customer Experience (CX) Right Podcast - Hosted by Stacy Sherman
Doing CX Right podcast show on iHeart Radio with host Stacy Sherman

In this episode of Doing CX Right, Stacy Sherman and Daniel H. Pink, the author of five New York Times bestsellers, explain the value of regret and how looking backward moves us forward.

Regret Is An Intense Emotion.

It’s most often experienced when we feel we have made a mistake or missed an opportunity, and feelings of guilt, remorse, or shame can accompany it. While regret feels unpleasant, it can also serve as a powerful motivator for positive change.

Leaders can reflect on past choices and learn from their mistakes in a business context. By examining their regret and the factors that contributed to them, people can identify patterns and make changes to their decision-making processes to reduce the likelihood of similar mistakes in the future.

Regret can also be valuable for leaders to communicate with their team members and help them learn from their mistakes. By sharing stories of their regrets and lessons, managers can create a culture of continuous learning and growth within their organization.


What You’ll Learn About The Power of Regret:

  • The role that the emotion of regret plays in the business world.
  • How to manage and channel regret to show up for the team and customers in the best way possible.
  • Effective leadership techniques and examples.
  • The future of work and how humans can co-exist with AI robots and disruptive technologies.  
  • Personal stories that inspired Daniel to write his book and lessons along his journey.

About Daniel Pink –  “Power of Regret: How looking backward moves us forward.”

Daniel H. Pink is the author of five New York Times bestsellers, including his latest, The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward. His other books include the New York Times bestsellers When and A Whole New Mind and the #1 New York Times bestsellers Drive and To Sell is Human. Dan’s books have won multiple awards, translated into 42 languages, and sold millions of copies worldwide. He lives in Washington, DC, with his family.

Learn more: Website.   Book.

About Stacy Sherman: Founder of Doing CX Right®‬

An award-winning certified marketing and customer experience (CX) corporate executive, speaker, author, and podcaster, known for DoingCXRight®. She created a Heart & Science™ framework that accelerates customer loyalty, referrals, and revenue, fueled by engaged employees and customer service representatives. Stacy’s been in the trenches improving experiences as a brand differentiator for 20+ years, working at companies of all sizes and industries, like Liveops, Schindler elevator, Verizon, Martha Steward Craft, AT&T++.   Stacy is on a mission to help people DOING, not just TALKING about CX, so real human connections & loyalty exist. Continue reading bio >here.

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*All views expressed are Stacys and do not reflect the opinions of or imply the endorsement of employers or other organizations.


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