Get Featured On DoingCXRight®‬ Blog

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Featured Blog, Resources | 0 comments

Thank you for visiting my website and hopefully getting value from my articles and podcasts. I’m inviting guests to share their wisdom and best practices about DoingCXRight®‬ (aka Doing Customer Experience Right) and business leadership-related topics.

IMPORTANT:  BEFORE CONTACTING ME through form below, read this entire page including the Q&A. It will reduce the level of effort for both of us.

I get a ton of requests, so please be patient. I will respond back to you soon.

Criteria To Be Featured on DoingCXRight®‬ Channels

1. Must be relevant to DoingCXRight®‬ and provide actionable advice including but not limited to:

Click on links to view topics.


2. Articles must be SEO optimized.

Google and search engines are a key traffic source for DoingCXRight®. In order to gain SEO benefits‬, I need your article to apply SEO best practices, such as 500+ words, keyword relevant to DoingCXRight®‬ topics above. If not, I will slightly edit the article.

3. Articles must have no spelling or grammar errors.

I highly recommend you use Grammarly before submitting an article to me. It’s FREE! 

4. Demonstrate thought leadership. Must be an authentic credible source.

You don’t have to be an author or “famous” in any way, however, I need proof that you are knowledgeable about the topic you write about. For this reason, I’ll want links to your social media, articles written for other sites, or your own. (Note: I don’t like “Fake Famous.” Check out my summary of the movie >here)


Benefits For DoingCXRight®‬ Featured Guests

You will gain high visibility and increase awareness as I promote your article on my website, newsletter, podcasts and social media channels including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram reaching 25k authentic followers.

Your article will also be featured in online customer experience and business leadership communities that have thousands of members. If relevant to Diversity & Inclusion, I also share in my hosted Linkedin group of 1600 members.

You’ll also gain SEO value if you have a website as DoingCXRight®‬ is top-ranked in Google and other search engines.


Common Questions and Answers About Guest Posts on DoingCXRight®‬

Q1: How long does it take to get published from the time article is submitted?

A1: Timeline varies depending on how many submissions there are in a given month. I will work with you to ensure expectations are met especially when the topic is relevant to a national event i.e. Pride month, and holidays.

Q2: Is there a cost to get featured on DoingCXRight®‬ channels?

A2: Yes, $500 /article includes promotion  on my website, newsletter, social channels and leadership communities with the focus of getting you SEO benefits too. If you have multiple articles, we can discuss bulk rate.

Q3: Do articles need to be original content or may they be featured in other places?

A3: While I prefer new unique content, I’m willing to reshare what you’ve written as long as it meets the criteria listed above.

Q4: Do videos qualify for publication on DoingCXRight®‬ website and channels?

A4: Yes, I will consider videos, however, a written transcript is helpful as some people like to read versus listen to information. We can discuss the best transcription options.


Next Step To Getting Published on DoingCXRight®‬ and social channels   

Please fill out my form and confirmation check box below

Confirmation you read requirements, Q&A section and agree to cost.

11 + 1 =

Are you Doing Customer Experience (CX) Right?


*All views expressed are Stacys and do not reflect the opinions of or imply the endorsement of employers or other organizations.


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