How do you know if consumers are satisfied? Learn how to measure Customer Experiences & understand the WHY behind your NPS score.
Doing CX Right Blog
Results for "NPS"NPS Survey Question – Should It Be First Or Last?
Does survey question order matter? Is it better to ask questions, like NPS, at the beginning or at the end? Learn and apply best practices.
How To Measure Customer Loyalty (NPS & Beyond)
Listen to Rob Markey, co-founder of the Net Promoter System (NPS) about how to measure customer experiences the right way.
The Great Debate: Should Employee Paychecks Be Linked To Customer NPS?
There are valid reasons for and against tying Net Promoter Score (NPS) to employee compensation as the Wallstreet Journal explains.
Pros & Cons of Using NPS To Measure CX Success
Is “Net Promoter Score,” otherwise known as “NPS,” a good measurement of customer satisfaction. Many customer experience (CX) experts say yes.
“Is Net Promoter (NPS) Score Misleading?” My Views About WSJ Article
There’s an article in the Wall Street Journal that is creating some commotion. It raises the question of whether or not “Net
8 Laws of Customer Service Success: Blending Tech and Human Connection
Learn tactics to solve disengaged employees and declining customer service by fostering connections & effectively integrating technology with Stacy Sherman and Blake Morgan
Accountability vs. Responsibility: What’s Costing You Customers
Learn how fostering employee accountability, not just responsibility, can transform your customer experiences and drive sustainable business success.
Strengthening Customer Relationships: The Power of Tangible Rewards
Are loyalty programs dead? Discover how tangible rewards might be the key to creating unbreakable customer relationships. Tune in now.
Customer Loyalty: From Impressed to Obsessed For ROI Growth
Stacy Sherman and Jon Picoult discuss how to boost ROI and customer loyalty by creating experiences that strengthen emotional bonds and turn clients into advocates. Listen to the Doing CX Right podcast now.