As companies are downsizing, the gig economy offers value for companies and individuals Learn about workforce trends and how you can benefit.
Doing CX Right Blog
Results for "gig economy"How Impact Sourcing is the Ultimate Loyalty Strategy for Modern Business
Rita Soni, Principal Analyst at Everest Group, explains the latest trends on impact sourcing and how hiring underserved talent transforms customer experience.
The Synergy of Motherhood and CX Leadership: Maximizing Impact in Both Roles
Discover the hidden connection between Motherhood and Customer Experience leadership and how to balance both for positive outcomes.
The Future of Work and Scheduled Flexibility
Brian Elliott, SVP at Slack and Executive Leader of Future Forum, and Stacy Sherman talk about the future of work and tactics to stay ahead of the curve. Learn about scheduled flexibility & how to retain a customer-centric distributed team.
Avoiding Customer Disruptions: Lessons Learned From Southwest Airlines’ Cancellations
The mass cancellations at Southwest Airlines provide valuable business lessons. Learn and apply best practices that are in your control to mitigate disruptions impacting customer loyalty and trust.
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