by Stacy Sherman | Feb 26, 2020 | Podcasts
Are you incorporating voice of customer feedback into your business? Do you understand why it’s so important and how it can differentiate your brand? Amplified Customer Experience, led by Janelle Mansfield, interviewed me about customer experience trends and how to differentiate brands by DoingCXRight®.
During the CX podcast, you’ll hear talk about…
- Best practices for building strong and sustainable Voice of Customer programs to achieve business results.
- Why leaders need to include employee perspectives (VOE), especially the frontline staff, in combination with customer feedback.
- Mistakes to avoid and lessons learned to fuel your success, and more.
Please share your views about the CX episode.
I’m interested to know what customer experience tips resonate most.
Read more about how to make Voice of Customer your game changer.
by Stacy Sherman | Nov 13, 2019 | Voice of Customer & Insights
You’ve probably seen signs in restaurants, hotels, and other locations requesting customers for feedback about their experiences. It is common practice more than ever before, even in unusual places like public bathrooms. Focusing on customer experience (CX) and capturing the Voice of Customers (VOC) feedback is smart business. Yet if the execution is not done right, it is wasted effort.
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by Stacy Sherman | Nov 10, 2018 | Voice of Customer & Insights
Over the past year, I have written dozens of articles about VOC, otherwise known in the business world as “Voice of Customer.” I share why getting VOC is important, sources of VOC measurement, and best practices to drive company success. I am passionate about this topic because I know that Customer Experience (CX) provides a competitive advantage.
It’s not a hunch. It’s a fact! Today, however, I am writing about VOC from a different perspective. I am speaking as “Voice of Citizen.” Continue Reading →
by Stacy Sherman | Oct 29, 2018 | Metrics & Measurements, Voice of Customer & Insights
Getting Voice of Customer (VOC) feedback is an essential part of conducting business. I’ve seen too many companies develop new products and features without directly asking customers what they want upfront. Then they wonder why they don’t attain sales goals post-launch. Continue Reading →
by Stacy Sherman | Apr 18, 2018 | Personas & Journey Mapping
Many companies strive to achieve high customer satisfaction scores but end up falling short of their goals. One reason is that business teams focus on single parts of the customer journey instead of taking a (more…)